R/S Rock Smash RNG


After getting a handle on the basics of RNG, you might be interested in some Pokemon who cannot be obtained with standard wild RNG Manipulation. While niche, in Ruby and Sapphire there are two Pokemon who are exclusive to the Smashable Rocks. Nosepass, who is the main prize, and the Geodude line.

While a similar process to Static RNG, on most advances there are no Pokemon spawns, so calibration can be challenging. In addition, rock smash rocks count as randomly moving NPCs, so you may run into issues with extra random noise.

Hardware Requirements

  • Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire with a Dead Internal Battery (any language)
    GameBoy Advance, Gameboy Player, Nintendo DS / DS Lite, GBA Emulator, or Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire.

  • Windows 10/11 PC

In-Game Requirements

  • At least one free space in your party.

  • Pokeballs to capture it, if it's a capture. Masterball is preferred.

  • Pokemon to aid in capture, such as a false swipe user or a spore user.

  • 5-10 Rare Candies. (Not 100% Needed, but helpful).

Tools Used

Video Examples

The Guide

Pick your target

The first thing we have to do is pick our target Pokemon. Open PokeFinder, and select Wild from the Gen 3 main window.

A new window will open up and by default be on the Generator tab, which is where we want to be. Before inputting any settings, make sure you select your profile. If you have not set one up, I covered how to here.

In the RNG Info section set Method to Method Wild 1.

Your profile should automatically set the Seed to 5A0, Ruby & Sapphires dead battery seed.

Leave Initial Advances, Max Advances, and Delay at their default values.

In Settings you will choose your Encounter Type. You should choose Rock Smash.

For the Location, you should select the one that has the Pokemon you want to RNG Manip. There's only three available from Rock Smash in Ruby & Sapphire, so I'll list them out here.

If you want Nosepass, choose Granite Cave BF2.

Geodude is in every location on this list, and Graveler is only in Victory Road BF1.

After your location is selected, select which Pokemon you want from the dropdown menu.

Lastly is the Filters section. This again, is personal choice. Select the IVs, Nature, Gender, Hidden Power, Ability you want. And also select if you want a Shiny.

I will just be going for a simple Shiny.

Shiny is set to Star/Square, which will show every potential Shiny. Star vs. Square doesn't matter in any game other than Sword & Shield, but Pokémon transferred from Gen 3 up to those games will retain their Star/Square Shiny status.

Once your Filters are set, click Generate. You should get several results, and have a window that looks like this:

If you get no results, that means no Pokemon within 100,000 Advances exists, which is about a 26 minute period of time. There are ways to circumvent this issue, but they are difficult techniques covered in our Advanced section.

In the meantime, if you have none, loosen your restrictions on what you want. Accept some worse IVs, or a Worse Nature, no shiny, etc.

I will be aiming for Advance 2558.

With our target picked out, we can move onto the Rock Smash Manip!

Rock Smash Manip

To get started with Rock Smash RNG Manips we need to head to our targets location & destroy every rock but 1. In my case, I am going for Nosepass, so we'll head to BF2 of Granite Cave.

Here you can see what the area typically looks like.

And here is what it looks like after I finished prepping.

I even broke the rocks that are off screen.

Note: Spinning NPCs

Typically NPCs do not interfere much with basic & intermediate RNG Manips in Ruby & Sapphire. And even if they did, there is not much you can do about them. But, for Rock Smash, NPCs can be active & moving during the animation, and each Rock Smash rock counts as an NPC who spins in a random direction.

There's several interaction objects that do this, and you should do your best to remove them from the screen if you can.

The list is as follows: Rock Smash Rocks, Strength Boulders, Cut Trees, Visible Items (shaped like Pokeballs), and Invisible Kecleons.

Then, in Eon Timer, put the number from the Advances Column into the Target Frame box in EonTimer. In my case, it is 2558. Also, make sure the value in Calibration is 0.

For every type of Manip, the amount of calibration will be different, because the game delays generating whatever you're manipping differently, based on what it's generating.Your Eon Timer should look something like this, but with your target advance instead.

Pretimer is optional.

When set to 0, clicking Start on EonTimer will immediately start the countdown to your target Advance. This requires you to soft reset your game at the same time as clicking Start on Eon Timer.

Setting this to 5000 will create a 5 second countdown, which you will soft reset the game to, then the countdown for your Target Advance Begins. I'll be using this method for the remainder of the guide.

Also make sure to double check your console in EonTimers settings!

I selected GBA, since I am doing this on a Gameboy Player. But if you're on a DS or DSLite, select NDS- Slot 2

At this point, we're ready! Click Start Eon Timer, and when the pretimer finishes on the 6th beep, soft reset the game.

While Eon Timer counts down, immediately talk to the Rock and use Rock Smash. Go through the dialogue and wait on the X used ROCK SMASH. Dialogue box, which is the final one.

Then, when Eontimer gets near the end of its countdown, it will beep 6 times. The goal is to press A on the 6th beep to start the encounter.

You most likely got no encounter! So, what do we do about this?

This is the challenging part. What we have to do is increment our target advance by a random amount until we hit ANY Pokemon. That will give us enough intel to do our calibration.

You can go by 1, by 16, any arbitrary number. We're changing the Target Frame box in Eon Timer for this.

I went 1 by 1 until I was on advance 2576 and saw a non-shiny Nosepass!

Once we get a Pokemon, we need to catch it. After that, we're going to have to check the Pokemons summary screen to figure out what RNG Advance we landed on.

It's worth mentioning, if you have one, just use the Masterball for this catch. You will not be keeping the Pokemon, so it just speeds the process up.

Once you can view the Pokemons summary screen, we can move onto how to adjust.

Rock Smash Adjustment

To figure out which Advance we hit, we're going to have to figure out its IVs and use that to search.

First, though, let's set up Generator for a search.

In RNG Info we'll leave Seed and Method alone, but we are going to change 'Initial Advances'. To be about 1000 advances before our target.

In my case, I am aiming for 2576. So I set it to 1576. Also set Max Advances to 2000. This will generate Pokemon spreads from 1000 Advances before your target, and 1000 after it.

For Settings, set Encounter to Rock Smash. Location to your Location, in my case it's Granite Cave B2F. And select which Pokemon you received. In my case it's Nosepass.

Then, for the Filters section, clear everything out to their default values. All IVs should be 0 to 31, and all of the drop downs should say Any, except Nature and Gender. Set those to what the Pokemon you received had. In my case it's a Timid, Male Nosepass.

After that, click the IV Calculator Button.

A new window will pop up called IV Calculator. Here, you input a Pokemon's stats, which get converted into IV Ranges for Generators IV Filters.

In the Pokemon drop down, select the Pokemon you are manipping. And in the Nature box, select its nature.

Then, at the bottom, put in the Pokemons Level and all of its stats, and hit Find IVs. You will see the Results section populated with IV Ranges.

If you have Rare Candies to raise the Pokemon's level, we can make the IV Ranges even more Precise. We aren't keeping this Pokemon, so it's safe to use them to gain info. They will come back when we soft reset!

To account for the extra level, click the Add Row button, and a new row to enter the information for its next level will appear.

Once you have clicked Find IV's, it also fills that info out within the Wild Generator in PokeFinder.

At this point, hit Generate. You should only get one result. If you get more than that, you can narrow down the results further by doing more levels in the IV Calculator.

If you do not have ANY rare candies and have more than one result, it's generally fine to assume you hit the closest Advance to your target.

If nothing comes up, make sure to check the other wild Methods.

If you still have no results, expand your search range by decreasing Initial Advances by 1000, and increasing Max Advances by 1000, and click Generate again. Do this until you get at least 1 result.

In my case, I had to change the drop down to Wild 4 to get a result.

Note: Wild Methods

Now we need to calibrate. You may notice this is quite a distance away from your target! I had 2576 in EonTimer, but this Nosepass spawned on 2766! That's a 190 Advance difference. So, what we'll do is put that into the Delay box in PokeFinder. Then, we'll clear all our Filters except for Shiny, which we'll set back to Star/Square.

In Settings, change the Pokemon to your target species, but keep Location & Encounter the same.

And in RNG Info, change Method back to Wild 1, leave Seed as 5a0, change Initial Advances back to 0, and Max Advances back to 100,000.

Then click generate!

Tip: IV Clear

If you click HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD/SPE in PokeFinder, it sets the ranges back to 0-31!

You'll see the same target Pokemon you aimed for earlier, but the Advances are different! This is our new target we'll put into Eon Timer.

Now repeat the process from Rock Smash Manip.

If you get no Pokemon spawn, just go up or down an Advance in your EonTimer target until you spawn something consistently.

You can see in PokeFinder, if you uncheck shiny & look around your target, that not every advance spawns a Pokemon.

So, just go up or down until you hit a Pokemon. We should be pretty close to our target this time, however.

If you get a Pokemon & it's not shiny, we can repeat the calibration step. Catch a Pokemon, calculate its IVs, and find where you landed.

We can see here that I hit 1 Advance early! So, I'm close!

This time, put what you hit into EonTimers "Frame Hit" box rather than doing the more complicated adjustments we did earlier. Click update, and try again!

Eventually, with enough attempts, you will land on the Pokemon you are aiming for. This is a bit more tedious than other manips. Nosepass took me around 45 minutes to get with this methodology. And it's almost exclusively because of how long it took me to calibrate the rocksmash delay.

Note: Some tips

If on the attempt after your adjustment run, you find you're only one or two Advances off, try not adjusting. 1 Advance is only 16 milliseconds, well within the margin of human error.

On the contrary, if you find yourself dancing around it, consistently being 1 Advance early or late several times, try adjusting anyway. Sometimes breaking out of the cycle, even if it makes you more late or early, can help!

Lastly, have patience! This is a skill to hone, maybe it takes you 10, 15 tries now. But a couple weeks from now, maybe 5! Hope you're having fun!

Next Steps...

If you enjoyed this process and want to do more RNG Manips, I think it's fine to jump around to anything in Intermediate. Most of these are going to be difficult in unique ways and get you ready to learn how to do some of the Advanced manips!