R/S Roamer RNG


After getting a handle on the basics of RNG, you might be interested in something more unique or challenging. The Ruby & Sapphire Roamer RNG Manip is perfect for this because of two unique challenges it has.

  1. The roamers IVs are glitched, and always going to have 4 of them be 0. HP is generated normally, then attack can be a maximum of 7. Everything else will be 0. So all you really have to be able to identify your Latios or Latias is their nature and HP stat. Because of this, the only real purpose to do this manip is to aim for a shiny.

  2. Finding and catching the roamer can be quite tedious, so even though the execution of the manip is not difficult, the amount of time this takes can be quite high.

Hardware Requirements

  • Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire with a Dead Internal Battery (any language)
    GameBoy Advance, Gameboy Player, Nintendo DS / DS Lite, GBA Emulator, or Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire.

  • Windows 10/11 PC

In-Game Requirements

  • Save at the location directly in-front of the TV in your parents house.

  • At least one free space in your party.

  • Pokeballs to capture it, if it's a capture. Masterball is preferred.

  • Pokemon to aid in capture, such as a false swipe user or a spore user.

  • 5-10 Rare Candies. (Not 100% Needed, but helpful)

  • 99 Max Repels (or as many as you can afford).

  • A Pokemon above level 30, but below level 40.

  • Acro Bike

  • If you have TWO GBAs, A Link Cable, and the Roamer you're manipping in another game, trading to unlock its Pokedex entry before you beat the elite 4 will speed up the identification process.

Tools Used

Video Examples

im a blisy ._.

The Guide

Pick your target

The first thing we have to do is pick our target Pokemon. Open PokeFinder, and select Static from the Gen 3 main window.

A new window will open up and by default be on the Generator tab, which is where we want to be. Before inputting any settings, make sure you select your profile. If you have not set one up, I covered how to here.

In the RNG Info section set Method to Method 1.

Your profile should automatically set the Seed to 5A0, Ruby & Sapphires dead battery seed.

Leave Initial Advances, Max Advances, and Delay at their default values.

Note: What is Delay?

Delay in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green is how many RNG Advances occur after you press A to encounter or receive your Pokémon, but before the Pokémon is generated.

In the past, we would consult a list that told you what this value was for various encounters. We no longer do this, and no guide here will reference such lists. This is for two main reasons.

1. Attempting to hit your target Pokémon, missing it, and calibrating your miss is an integral part of the RNG Process. Figuring out a specific legendaries Delay will only take one of these. Because we teach RNGing this way, Delay no longer serves a purpose.

2. Many people would refrain from performing certain manips if they did not know a Pokémon's Delay. Such hesitance is bad, we do not want people thinking they CANNOT do a manip without an arbitrary list somewhere, when they absolutely can.

In short, Delay is a social construct we as a community have moved past the need for.

In Settings you will choose your Pokemon. The Latis are in the Roamer Category.

In this example, I will be using Latios in Ruby, but Latias in Sapphire is no different!

Lastly is the Filters section. This is typically a personal choice for what IVs, Nature, & Ability you'd like, in addition to Shinyness.

However, as mentioned earlier, the Roaming Latis in Ruby & Sapphire (not Emerald) are bugged to always have Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed IVs be 0. In addition, the attack IV cannot be higher than 7. Because of this, do not be very strict with your IV Parameters!

On top of that, the Latis only have one ability. This means we're really only able to pick our HP IV, Nature, & if it's shiny or not.

This is not an issue with the Lati generation, however. It is generated normally using Method 1. This means you can use the ID/Starter RNG Advance you chose in the Beginner Guides. The IVs you SHOULD have are actually always in your save file, and you could extract them with glitches or hacks, if you wanted. The issue is how the game extracts said Lati from your save file when a battle loads.

You see, in order to keep the Pokemon consistent across multiple battles, the game generates a Lati when you talk to the TV, then stores its IVs and PID in your save file. And everytime you see it, it rebuilds it based on said information.

But this rebuilding code is bugged, and does not load all the IVs. This problem also exists in FRLG, but was fixed for Emerald.

Because of all of this, I will just be going for a simple Shiny.

Shiny is set to Star/Square, which will show every potential Shiny. Star vs. Square doesn't matter in any game other than Sword & Shield, but Pokémon transferred from Gen 3 up to those games will retain their Star/Square Shiny status.

Once your Filters are set, click Generate. You should get several results, and have a window that looks like this:

PokeFinder does a great job at showcasing the glitch in action! You'll notice the HP and Nature values of your typical shiny Advances, but everything else is 0. Let's look at what the Southern Island Lati looks like, as a comparison.

If you get no results, that means no Pokemon within 100,000 Advances exists, which is about a 26 minute period of time.

This means you have to loosen your restrictions on what you want. Accept a worse HP IV, or a Worse Nature, etc.

I will be aiming for Advance 2133. It should be quick attempts, & Quiet Boosts special attack!

With our target picked out, we can move onto the Roamer Manip!

Roamer Manip

To get started with the Roamer Manip, you want to save in-front of the TV in your parents house. This event only spawns immediately after you defeat the elite 4. You CANNOT

Then, in Eon Timer, put the number from the Advances Column into the Target Frame box in EonTimer. In my case, it is 2133. Also, make sure the value in Calibration is 0.

For every type of Manip, the amount of calibration will be different, because the game delays generating whatever you're manipping differently, based on what it's generating.Your Eon Timer should look something like this, but with your target advance instead.

Pretimer is optional.

When set to 0, clicking Start on EonTimer will immediately start the countdown to your target Advance. This requires you to soft reset your game at the same time as clicking Start on Eon Timer.

Setting this to 5000 will create a 5 second countdown, which you will soft reset the game to, then the countdown for your Target Advance Begins. I'll be using this method for the remainder of the guide.

Also make sure to double check your console in EonTimers settings!

I selected GBA, since I am doing this on a Gameboy Player. A regular GBA, and GBA Emulators should also select this. But if you're on a DS or DSLite, select NDS - Slot 2.

At this point, we're ready! Click Start Eon Timer, and when the pretimer finishes on the 6th beep, soft reset the game.

After that, press A until you're loaded into the game and talk to the TV and get to the final box of dialogue. Then, wait there until Eon Timer finishes counting down.

Then, when Eontimer gets near the end of its countdown, it will beep 6 times. The goal is to press A on the 6th beep to release the roamer.

Now, we have to go find it!

Finding the Roamer

Route 118 is the most common route the roamer can appear on, so I head to this spot on Route 123, by the berry master's house.

Put a repel on & make sure the lead pokemon of your party is above level 30, but below level 40. I use a level 33 Dunsparce for mine. Then, go to the grass and bunny hop on the Acro Bike for a little while. If the roamer doesn't appear, I go back to Route 123 so the route sign drops down, and head back to 118 and repeat.

Do this until the roamer spawns.

And we can see it's not shiny like I wanted. It's likely you also missed your target. We're going to have to check the Pokemons summary screen to figure out what RNG Advance we landed on. To do that, we'll have to catch it!

It's worth mentioning, if you are aiming for a Shiny and didn't get one, just use the Masterball for a catch if you have it. You will not be keeping the Pokemon, so it just speeds the process up.

Once you can view the Pokemons summary screen, we can move onto how to adjust.

Roamer Adjustment

To figure out which Advance we hit, we're going to have to figure out its IVs and use that to search. This is the tricky part! We only have Nature, HP & Attack as information to guide us.

First, though, let's set up Generator for a search.

In RNG Info we'll leave Seed and Method alone, but we are going to change 'Initial Advances'. To be about 1000 advances before our target.

In my case, I am aiming for 2133. So I set it to 1133. Also set Max Advances to 2000. This will generate Pokemon spreads from 1000 Advances before your target, and 1000 after it.

Then, for the Filters section, clear everything out to their default values. All IVs should be 0 to 31, and all of the drop downs should say Any, except Nature. Set that to what the Roamer you received had. In my case it's a Calm Latios.

After that, click the IV Calculator Button.

A new window will pop up called IV Calculator. Here, you input a Roamers stats, which get converted into IV Ranges for Generators IV Filters.

In the Pokemon drop down, select the Pokemon you are manipping. And in the Nature box, select its nature.

Then, at the bottom, put in the Pokemons Level and all of its stats, and hit Find IVs. You will see the Results section populated with IV Ranges.

If you have Rare Candies to raise the Roamers level, we can make the IV Ranges even more Precise. We aren't keeping this Pokemon, so it's safe to use them to gain info. They will come back when we soft reset!

Typically, narrowing just a little bit will help A LOT. However, with the glitched IVs here, I think it's important to narrow the IV Ranges as much as possible. I recommend getting exact IVs for HP and Attack. It only took me 3 candies to do so.

To account for the extra levels, click the Add Row button, and a new row to enter the information for its next level will appear.

Once you have clicked Find IV's, it also fills that info out within the Static Generator in PokeFinder.

At this point, hit Generate. You should only get one result.

If you have no results at all, expand your search range by decreasing Initial Advances by 1000, and increasing Max Advances by 1000, and click Generate again. Do this until you get at least 1 result. If you get more than that, there isn't much you can do to gain more info.

However, let's look at how many Latios' similar to mine exist, and where they are in relation to it.

As you can see, the closest Calm Latios with my IVs is over 10,000 Advances away. The closest two Latios here are these:

Which are over 800 advances away from each other. 800 advances is 13 seconds. You are not going to be that early or late.

All that to say; If you use the Nature of the Roamer & always narrow the IVs EXACTLY & you get more than 1 result, it's safe to assume you hit the pokemon closest to your target Advance.

Now we need to update Eon Timer. In the Frame Hit box, put the Advance that you determined you landed on, and click update. The calibration will change, and you can try again.

Now repeat the process from Roamer Manip until you get your desired Roamer!

Eventually, with enough attempts, you will land on the Pokemon you are aiming for. Remember to have patience. This Latios literally only took me 2 attempts; the calibration run, then I succeeded. But that took me over 2 hours. This is because of how difficult it is to find the roamers when they're not yet on your map.

Note: Some tips

If on the attempt after your adjustment run, you find you're only one or two Advances off, try not adjusting. 1 Advance is only 16 milliseconds, well within the margin of human error.

Alternatively, if you find yourself dancing around it, consistently being 1 Advance early or late several times, try adjusting anyway. Sometimes breaking out of the cycle, even if it makes you more late or early, can help!

Lastly, have patience! This is a skill to hone, maybe it takes you 10, 15 tries now. But a couple weeks from now, maybe 5! Hope you're having fun!

Next Steps...

If you enjoyed this process and want to do more RNG Manips, I would suggest moving on to Rock Smash RNG. While the general process and structure of the manip (Wait for timer, push button at right time) is not different, hitting your Advance the first time is very tedious, and requires a LOT of patience, just like this Roamer Manip.